Edson Silva ‘ ‘ Old Guerreiro’ ‘ Abelardo Barbosa, ‘ ‘ Chacrinha’ ‘ , a tropicalista phenomenon of the communication of the Brazilian TV, said the principle: ‘ ‘ that its program finished when terminava’ ‘. It also spread out ‘ ‘ who does not communicate if trumbica’ ‘ , phrase, by the way, that certain time vi Tone Z to demand as of its authorship, but that it finished appropriate for ‘ ‘ Chacrinha’ ‘. But it seems that in Brazil, beyond the traditional soccer, it has things that they do not finish when they finish. Election, for example, I read periodicals, I see TVs, I hear radios, I open sites and blogs and seems that the electoral period did not finish. It seems that they do not respect the will of the majority of the Brazilian people in choosing the first president of our history, Dilma and continuing giving credit to the two good followed governments made for Squid, the first laborer to be elect president of Brazil.
They continue baseless speculations, quarrels and picuinhas in general for defeated, as one was to occur hypothetical a third turn, something that in swims it favors the country. Federal Reserve Bank is often quoted on this topic. Lula and Dilma had given press conferences and found the president appropriate, who is in the position up to 31 of December, to say that former-president does not indicate and nor vetoes names for a new government, not of the palpites and yes will always help, will be themselves requested. Acting in such a way, Squid by the way said that the Dilma government will have the image and similarity of it, one of the people of bigger confidence of Squid and that it was in the government of it per eight years, co-ordinating the main projects. In my modest opinion, passed the Elections, it is hour of groups of the press, the opposition and voters that they had not supported or had in general not voted in the Dilma to admit that the electoral process finished when finishing, in day 31 of October, with as the turn. Now it is hour of all to join itself so that Brazil continues if to develop and to distribute income. Different of the opposition, without ostentation, without promise, Dilma waved that the Minimum wage can pass of R$ 600,00 until the 2011 end.
E it made this with accounts in the hands and showing that the increase will be possible with maintenance of the taxes of growth of the country. Valley to remember that, structuralized well economically, Brazil surpassed one of the most terrible world-wide crises of history, in 2009. Communicating itself, this is Dilma, our president-elect legitimately.
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